June Edition
June was a full month. We had a great show at our favorite coffee shop in Spring Hill, Just Love, owned and operated by a member of our board, Frank Snodgrass. We were also in two separate nursing homes in Nashville, Trivecca Center for Rehabilitation and Green Hills Center for Rehabilitation. On June 20th Garrett Dearing and Josh Willcutts took a trip west to Memphis Tennessee to bring Jesus In A Bar behind bars into two Tennessee state prisons- Whiteville Correction Facility and Hardeman County Correction Facility. Thank you to our friends at Men of Valor for getting us behind bars to worship with these men. What a blessing it is to see music used as a vehicle to console and encourage some of Christ’s favorite people. The worship in Prison is some of purest worship we’ve experienced. A verse from psalms gives biblical reasoning for why that might be:
“My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.”
Psalms 51:17 NIV
These men meet the description stated in this verse. They are broken, but you can feel Christ’s deep love for them all the more. The humility they've acquired in their brokenness, has given them a greater ability to receive that love. It's humbling worhsiping with them.
Thank you to our songwriters for using their gifts for the kingdom. May God bless each one. You can catch our next Jesus In A Bar show Monday night August 19th at Just Love Coffee Shop in Spring from 6-8pm. Bring a friend, the one you’ve been trying to invite to church who insists that church is two religious. Jesus in Bar is a great ice breaker to share the gospel. Watch the Spirit do something amazing.
To God be the glory
Jesus is Lord