Jesus In a RADIO
Jesus In a RADIO
Jesus In a RADIO
So...They Won't Play Your Song on Christian Radio?
We've heard it all before...You're song doesn't fit in Christian Radio. You're too country for Christian. You're too Christian for Country. Your song is too rock for radio. It's too Americana sounding...too singer/songwriter-y. Believe me, we understand the frustration and we ourselves HAVE HEARD IT ALL. We are NOT here to look down upon those stations as God has used them to save many, many lives and will continue to do so. We pray those stations stay alive and well in Jesus name. With that being said, we personally have felt called to create a station where the genre is simply...Jesus. This platform will be used to play all the christian music that doesn't fit your typical christian radio station. We feel God will use this station to bridge the gap and allow more Jesus music than ever. We know we are trying the impossible. We also know that so many people notice the need and yet no one has tried to step in and create this yet. We don't know what the Lord has for this project but that is for Him to know and us to follow. And follow we shall. If you'd like your song to be played on our radio station, it's simple. Fill out the form below, submit your membership fee, and we will put your song on rotation based on your membership type. We believe your music can help save lives and reach the unreachable. Bringing Jesus to the people who need him most.
Welcome to JIAB Radio...Where the genre, is Jesus.